Red , Green , Refactor is the mantra for Test Driven Development. When I started out with Unit Tests the idea of creating tests to make sure that a function behaved properly was easy to understand, but the rest of the cycle didn't really sink in until later. Red , making a failing test, is important to the TDD approach. When practicing TDD, if you start out by creating a test and it passes without the actual code having been written yet, then there is something wrong with your test. By making sure that your test fails first, then you can be sure that whatever changes you make to pass the test will have been valuable changes that were needed to make the function work properly. If you are writing a test against existing code and it passes immediately, then you do not need to make any changes to your code as your are already passing whatever that new test is validating for. Green , making the test pass, is the obvious part of Unit testing. You want lots of green in your project