I recently went on a team outing where we took an improv class. One of the ideas of the class was that you need to accept the idea provided by your partner(s) in the scene. If you contradict that idea then you are taking away from what they are trying to build for the audience. The core idea is to "say yes" and go with the flow of the scene. This will tend to lead to funnier moments than if you are are fighting against your partner(s). This made me think about how life outside of improv and comedy is normally not this way. The instructions to the class to "say yes" are needed because this is not the way most people behave most of the time. How often do you hear someone disagree with a suggestion someone else gave them? It's almost like a reflex to some people. No matter what the suggestion is or who it came from they disagree with it immediately and clearly couldn't have considered the suggestion. I wonder if that sort of mindset leads to a negative outl